Kubernetes Architecture and Components


In this Blog, we will look into the Architecture and Components of Kubernetes.


Let's Suppose Kubernetes is a Company.

  • So in a company, there is a Management team and a worker team. The management team is the team in which members are of managing roles and the workers team has employees.

  • Management team is the Master node and Worker team is the node

Master Node (Management Team):-

  1. Scheduler - As its name says, this Component is in the management team and It is responsible for assigning work to the workers who are in the Node.

  2. etcd - This component is used to store data for the clusters.

  3. Controller manager - As its name says, this component is just like the CPU in a computer or a control panel. It is responsible for keeping an eye on all the tasks or work that are getting done. It keeps an eye on the workers and how the work is going on. We can say that a Controller manager is a project manager in a company.

  4. API server - It is the most important component as it is only connected to the worker node. The Controller manager reports on work to the API server and it communicates to the worker node whether things are going properly or not.

Node (Working Team):-

  1. Kubelet - kubelet in the node keeps an eye on all the workers and whether the work should be done or not. kubelet can be also called a senior person or like team lead in the worker node. API and Kubeket keep communicating about how the work is going.

  2. Service Proxy - It is responsible for handling external communication and bringing information from the outside world. We can also assume that its work is like devrel. Due to the Service Proxy, the Users from outside can access the Application.

CNI Network:-

It stands for Container Network Interface. It is like a bridge or medium that connects the master and worker nodes. It's like a communication channel that keeps things complete.


It is used to command or give instructions to the master node. We can also say it like a CEO of a company whose command is compulsory to be followed by everyone.
